Self-employment of Syrian refugees: unveiling social networks and human capital of food stall owners in Rio de Janeiro

Roberto Pessoa de Queiroz Falcão, Eduardo Picanço Cruz, Dayane Andrade Campos Piccoli, Rafael Cuba Mancebo


Integration of immigrants in their host societies is a key-issue on the refugee crisis throughout the world. Self-employment appears as means of survival representing the so-called necessity-driven entrepreneurship, which is rather common among immigrant survival strategies. Syrians in Brazil are the fourth largest nationality to seek refuge in the country. Therefore, the present paper aims at analyzing how ethnic and local networks of support are configured and influence the creation of new businesses, such as food stalls and restaurants. For that purpose, an exploratory study through in-depth interviews was conducted with Syrians in Rio de Janeiro, generating reflections on the institutional picture as well as the hosting conditions of the country. Key-findings include contingency factors showing evidences that social capital is more a function of brokerage across structural holes than closure within a network articulation, the family network importance as well as the establishment of a local support network.


immigration, refugee, Syrians, Brazil, self-employment

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