Streaming Services Consumer Behaviour: A Netflix User Case Study in Brazil and Portugal

Alan De Freitas Oliveira Freitas Oliveira, Ana Isabel Rojão Lourenço Azevedo Rojão Azevedo, Selma Maria Silva


The development of the Internet in the 1990s favoured the emergence of electronic commerce. Since then, streaming services have been gaining space, like Netflix. In Brazil and Portugal, the company's popularity is remarkable. Thus, the objective of this study is to understand the behavior of Netflix consumers in both countries. This study has as methodology the case study. The data collection was done through a digital questionnaire made available to the Brazilian and Portuguese public. The valid answers of this sample (210 Brazilians and 38 Portuguese) were analyzed in a quantitative-qualitative approach using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results indicate that Brazilians use Netflix more than the Portuguese. It influenced Netflix's signature, family members of clients in Brazil and friends of clients in Portugal. The most watched content in both countries is serial, and the kind of action is preferred by users, who watch the work on weekends, via broadband, through Smart TV. Customer satisfaction levels in both countries are high, never had problems with the company and would indicate the service to others.


E-commerce; Netflix; Consumer behavior; Brasil e Portugal.

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