Análise comparativa de lâmpada bulbo LED dimerizável e lâmpada bulbo LED – Aspecto Regulatório
In recent years the market of LED lamps has been improving and gradually achieving in the requirements of certification, making products available on the market in accordance with specific pattern of safety, performance and quality provided by standards and ordinances. However, like every technological product, there must be efforts of the competent agencies to ensure quality and be always following these improvements.
This article aims to comparatively analyze dimerizable LED bulb lamps and LED bulb lamps without the dimerization feature and the treatment of them by the standards aiming to analyze the energy quality with regard to active power, power factor and THD. No divergences were found that compromise energy quality. After the analysis, the models studied did not present discrepancies in the values recommended by the ordinance. Nevertheless, it alerted a literature review to the parameters used for voltage and power in technologies such as dimerizable lamps. These indicators should be more detailed in the current standards.
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